Category - About

Annual Reports

family playing on lawn

Presenting ICOY's 2023 Annual Report

To our members:
Thank you for spending another year with ICOY! I am happy to report that our coalition has continued to grow and evolve in 2023. Our collective impact cannot be understated. 
With that in mind, I am pleased to present ICOY’s Annual Report for 2023! From our newly signed MOU with the Human Rights Campaign to the advocacy that led to the passage of the Illinois Youth-in-Care Timely Provision of Essential Care Act, I am so proud of all that we have accomplished this year. 
As 2023 draws to a close, please take a moment to reflect on all that you have done this past year. Without your tireless efforts, Illinois youth would have no one to turn to in their darkest moments. 
I look forward to keeping that work up in the new year. Thank you again for all that you do. 
Andi Durbin, CEO of ICOY